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Benefits of Attending


Attendees of GGAA 2025 will gain valuable insights into the latest research on greenhouse gas emissions in animal agriculture and benefit from unparalleled networking opportunities. The conference will feature technical field trips that complement scientific discussions by showcasing Kenya’s agricultural systems and sustainable natural resource management practices. Hosting the conference in Nairobi provides a unique opportunity to highlight the impact of this research on a crucial sector of the global economy.

Additional benefits of attending include:

  • Networking Opportunities: Engage with fellow researchers, attendees, and experts from around the world who specialize in greenhouse gases and animal agriculture.
  • Knowledge Enhancement: Learn new things and enhance your existing knowledge in greenhouse gas mitigation, measurement methodologies, and sustainable agricultural practices.
  • Scientific Collaborations: Create connections for future scientific collaborations by meeting researchers from various countries, broadening your professional network.
  • Publication Opportunities: Increase your chances of getting your work published and indexed by presenting at a renowned international conference.
  • Field Trips: Participate in enriching field visits to national parks, farms, and research stations, including ILRI’s Kapiti Conservancy, to see practical applications of scientific research and sustainable practices in action.
  • Policy Insights: Gain valuable insights into policies addressing agricultural contributions to greenhouse gas emissions and stay informed about the latest scientific advancements.
  • Exposure to Cutting-Edge Research: Access presentations and discussions on innovative strategies, advanced modeling techniques, and on-farm practices that address greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture.
  • International Perspective: Benefit from the diverse perspectives and experiences of attendees from across the globe, fostering a comprehensive understanding of global challenges and solutions.

Not sure if this conference is for you? Join us at GGAA 2025 in Nairobi to expand your knowledge, forge meaningful connections, and contribute to the global effort towards sustainable agriculture and greenhouse gas mitigation. Learn more about Who Should Attend.

Post-Conference Material