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Call for Abstract is Now Open


Shortlist Guidelines for Authors

Full Author Guidelines can be accessed here.

  • All abstracts must be submitted via the online submission portal.
  • Abstract submissions should include:
    • Title (15 words), author name(s), and affiliation(s) of author(s)
    • 3 to 5 keywords not included in the title
    • Abstract a maximum of 500 words
    • Use clear and concise language with minimal jargon
    • Images, figures, tables, acknowledgement and references are not allowed
  • The official language of the GGAA conference is English – all abstract and paper submissions must be written in UK English.
  • A maximum of two (2) abstracts will be accepted from any one corresponding/lead author.
  • All offered abstracts will be peer-reviewed by experts. The selection criteria will include:
    • Relevance to the conference themes
    • Significance of information and contribution to current state of knowledge
    • Originality and novelty
    • Clarity of expression
  • The submitter will be asked to choose a chose form of presentation format. The formats will be offered from the scientific committee as Oral, Speed-poster or Poster presentation.
    • Theatre oral presentations: 10 minutes + 3 minutes Q & A. Details will be announced later.
    • Speed-poster presentation: 2 minutes. Presenting your poster to the audience to attract their attention and pay a visit during the poster session. Details will be announced later.
    • Poster presentation: Guidelines for preparing the poster will be announced later.